Terms & Privacy​

Terms of Use

Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Terms of Use

Please read these terms and conditions (“terms and conditions”, “terms”) carefully before using the Website, http://7tls.cn33.net/菲律宾网赌合法平台(MBA)(以下简称“我们”、“我们的”)运营.

Conditions of use

By using this Website, 您证明您已阅读并审阅本协议,并同意遵守其条款. If you do not want to be bound by the terms of this Agreement, you are advised to stop using the website accordingly. MBA only grants use and access of this website, its products, and its services to those who have accepted its terms.

Privacy policy

Before you continue using our website, 我们建议您阅读以下关于用户数据收集的隐私政策. It will help you better understand our practices.

Age restriction

您必须年满18岁才能使用本网站. By using this website, 您保证您至少年满18岁,并且可以合法地遵守本协议. MBA不承担与年龄虚假陈述相关的责任.

Intellectual property

You agree that all materials, products, and services provided on this website are the property of MBA, its affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, suppliers, or licensors including all copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks, patents, and other intellectual property. 您还同意不会以任何方式复制或重新分发MBA的知识产权, including electronic, digital, or new trademark registrations.

You grant MBA a royalty-free and non-exclusive license to display, use, copy, transmit, and broadcast the content you upload and publish. For issues regarding intellectual property claims, you should contact the company in order to come to an agreement.

User accounts

作为本网站的用户,您可能会被要求向我们注册并提供私人信息. 您有责任确保此信息的准确性, 您有责任维护您身份信息的安全. 您还应对您的帐户或密码下发生的所有活动负责.

如果您认为您在网站上的帐户存在任何可能的安全问题, inform us immediately so we may address them accordingly.

We reserve all rights to terminate accounts, edit or remove content and cancel orders at our sole discretion.

Applicable law

By using this website, you agree that the laws of the state of Nebraska, without regard to principles of conflict laws, will govern these terms and conditions, or any dispute of any sort that might come between MBA and you, or its business partners and associates.




您同意赔偿MBA及其附属公司,并使MBA免受因您使用或滥用我们的服务而可能产生的法律索赔和要求. We reserve the right to select our own legal counsel.

Limitation on liability


MBA保留随时编辑、修改和更改本协议的权利. 我们将通过电子邮件通知用户这些变化. This Agreement is an understanding between MBA and the user, 本协议将取代之前所有关于使用本网站的协议.

Privacy & Cookies

Privacy Policy of Millard Business Association (MBA)

MBA operates the Website, http://7tls.cn33.net/, which provides information about our organization, membership, events, registration, and a member directory.

此页面用于通知网站访问者有关我们的收集政策, use, 和个人信息的披露,如果任何人决定使用我们的网站, http://7tls.cn33.net/.

If you choose to use our Website, 即表示您同意收集和使用与本政策相关的信息. 我们收集的个人信息用于提供和改进本网站. 除本隐私政策所述外,我们不会与任何人使用或分享您的信息.

本隐私政策中使用的术语与我们的条款和条件中的含义相同, which is accessible in the Terms of Use section above, unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy.

Information Collection and Use

For a better experience while using our Website, 我们可能会要求您向我们提供某些个人身份信息, including but not limited to your name, phone number, and postal address. 我们收集的信息将用于联系或识别您.

Log Data

We want to inform you that whenever you visit our Website, 我们收集您的浏览器发送给我们的信息,称为日志数据. 此日志数据可能包括您计算机的互联网协议(“IP”)地址等信息, browser version, pages of our Website that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, and other statistics.


cookie是包含少量数据的文件,通常用作匿名唯一标识符. 这些信息从您访问的网站发送到您的浏览器,并存储在您的计算机硬盘上.

我们的网站使用这些“cookie”来收集信息并改进我们的网站. 您可以选择接受或拒绝这些cookie,并知道何时将cookie发送到您的计算机. 如果您选择拒绝我们的cookie,您可能无法使用我们网站的某些部分.

Website Providers


  • To facilitate our Website;
  • To provide the Website on our behalf;
  • To perform Website-related websites; or
  • To assist us in analyzing how our Website is used.

我们希望通知我们的网站用户,这些第三方有权访问您的个人信息. The reason is to perform the tasks assigned to them on our behalf. 但是,他们有义务不将这些信息披露或用于任何其他目的.


我们重视您对我们提供个人信息的信任, 因此,我们正在努力使用商业上可接受的方法来保护它. But remember that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and reliable, and we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Links to Other Sites

Our Website may contain links to other sites. 如果你点击第三方链接,你将被引导到该网站. Note that these external sites are not operated by us. 因此,我们强烈建议您查看这些网站的隐私政策. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or websites.

Children’s Privacy

Our Websites do not address anyone under the age of 13. 我们不会故意收集13岁以下儿童的个人身份信息. 如果我们发现13岁以下的儿童向我们提供了个人信息, we immediately delete this from our servers. 如果您是家长或监护人,并且您知道您的孩子向我们提供了个人信息, please contact us so that we will be able to do necessary actions.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. 因此,我们建议您定期查看此页面的任何更改. 如有任何更改,我们将在本页公布新的隐私政策. 这些更改在发布到本页后立即生效.

Contact Us

如果您对我们的隐私政策有任何疑问或建议,请菲律宾网赌合法平台 info@cn33.net, (402) 707-2827, P.O. BOX 391166 Omaha, NE 68139.